Kutbilik XXXtra Hot Sauce by @elyucateco_hotsauce. An orange habanero sauce that has a strong onion and earthy cumin & coriander flavour to it. Loads of orange and lemon citrus flavour coming from the chillies. The heat seems mild at first, but soon builds up and has got me into trouble a few times when applied liberally. A very well balanced sauce, very savoury and little sweetness. The acidity is a little artificial, kinda gives you a similar mouthfeel to what sour sweets do – this will come from the inclusion of acetic acid – why not just use vinegar? A really great tasting sauce, goes well with chicken, fish, eggs, etc, I just wish it didn’t have that harsh acidity. Rating: 3.5/5. from Instagram: http://ift.tt/2ncPKHB
Posted in Chilli Sauce Reviews, Hot Sauce Reviews