Habanero Hot Sauce – Memento Mori

Looking like a medieval potion or elixir, Memento Mori Habanero Hot Sauce comes in a small glass bottle, capped with a cork and sealed with wax.   The skull adorned label looks hand drawn, and it’s simplicity adds a mysterious air to this sauce.  Let’s get it out the way; this sauce looks the absolute business.

On opening, an aroma so strong and fiery leaps out of the bottle and almost sends me staggering.  A potent punch of fresh chilli, spices, and vinegar.    The sauce has quite a thin consistency, with lumps of chilli flesh dotted throughout.

Straight away, the fresh Habenero flavour dominates and surges through the taste buds – smoky, earthy, citrusy tones all present.  Some kind of spice is in this one, perhaps smoked paprika – I can’t check since the ingredients are not listed.  Garlic, and a little bit sweetness are present, and the acidity from the vinegar is bang on.  In fact, the acidity of this sauce is perhaps one of its strongest points – it balances out the rich flavour of the Habanero & garlic, and prevents the heat from dominating.

The heat is fierce at first, gets the salvia running.  After a minute or so, the heat transforms into stinging warmth around the tongue and mouth.  It’s clear when fresh chillies are used in a sauce since the heat given off is so natural and unforced – it’s an intense heat, but a pleasurable one.

Thanks to the great acidity of this Habanero Hot Sauce, it compliments many foods well, and I really enjoyed having it splashed on a chicken salad, and dotted over avocado on toast.

I’d guess that Memento Mori has poured their heart and soul into this sauce, and to me it shows.  An exceptional tasting sauce, this is one I can only recommend to the highest degree.  Memento Mori really has made a modern-day chilli elixir.

Rating: 5/5


Habanero Hot Sauce – Memento Mori

Habanero Hot Sauce – Memento Mori

Habanero Hot Sauce – Memento Mori

Hot Sauce Review

1 Comment

  1. Brodie on July 3, 2020 at 8:52 am

    This is an amazing looking sauce. I love the bottle and label design. Gonna have to add it to my list of sauces to try.
    Great review!

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