Kebab House Chilli Sauce – Crucial Sauce. 

Kebab House Chilli Sauce by @crucial_sauce. A ketchup like consistency sauce that has little chunks of vegetables in, and has a glossy shine to it. A unique tasting sauce; the cumin and fennel come through straight away, followed by by a strong onion and tomato flavour. The tangy acidity is good, balancing out the sweetness of the sauce. The jalapeno based heat is mild, it adds enough to the sauce to keep it spicy, but this is not a hot sauce and personally I’d like a bit more heat. Overall it’s a great tasting sauce, the flavours that come from the herbs and spice means it goes well with all kinds of foods – this was great with some boiled new potatoes and chicken. Credit to Crucials for bringing out a bold tasting sauce that is quite different to their other chilli sauces, and costs only £1! I really liked this sauce, it’s just an easy sauce to eat and I’ve been using as I would ketchup… Perfect sauce to leave out at a barbecue. Rating 3.5/5. Good stuff. from Instagram:

Hot Sauce Review

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